Full-Suite of Kenmore Custom Electrical Services

If you need Kenmore custom electrical services, you have come to the right place. At 2 Sons Plumbing, Sewer, Septic, Electric, Heating & Air, we provide a full suite of Kenmore custom electrical services. Our Kenmore custom electrical services are tailored to meet your specific needs and requirements.

A few of our Kenmore custom electrical services include:

  • Installation of New Wiring or Circuits: As a homeowner, you may find yourself in need of additional wiring or circuits to power new appliances, lighting, or other electrical equipment. We can install new wiring and circuits throughout your home.
  • Upgrading Your Electrical Panel: If your electrical panel is outdated or no longer meets your needs, we can help you upgrade to a new panel that provides enough power and circuit capacity for your home, ensuring safe, reliable power for years to come.
  • Installation of New Lighting Fixtures: New lighting fixtures can transform the look and feel of any room in your home. We offer installation of lighting fixtures like pendant lights, track lighting, recessed lighting, and more.

At 2 Sons Plumbing, Sewer, Septic, Electric, Heating & Air, we understand that no two homeowners have the same needs. That is why we are proud to offer Kenmore custom electrical services. Get in touch with us at (206) 487-1757 to learn more about our Kenmore custom electrical services.

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Upgrade Your Electrical System by Hiring Kenmore Custom Electricians

Are you looking to upgrade your electrical system? As one of the Kenmore custom electricians, 2 Sons Plumbing, Sewer, Septic, Electric, Heating & Air can help you with electrical system upgrades. We are one of the leading Kenmore custom electricians who can evaluate your current electrical system to identify any potential issues or inadequacies.

Are your lights dimming when you run the microwave and air conditioner at the same time? Do your circuit breakers trip frequently? If so, your electrical panel may need an upgrade to handle the increased demand.

As your Kenmore custom electricians, we can inspect your panel, wiring, and grounds to determine if replacement or upgrades are needed to ensure safety and reliability. Do you have enough outlets in your home? As your Kenmore custom electricians, we can install new circuits allowing you to plug in more devices without overloading existing circuits.

Upgrading and improving your home’s electrical system may require a substantial investment, but the benefits of safety, reliability, and convenience make it well worth the cost. As your Kenmore custom electricians, we can help you upgrade to a modern system tailored to your needs. Call us at (206) 487-1757 to enjoy worry-free use of all your electrical devices for years to come.

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